Case Studies

The Australian Microbiome Initiative is creating a continental-wide microbial genomic resource. The activities of our consortium members and locations of our supported activities cover the whole of Australian terrestrial and marine environments.

If you are interested in the data generated, please visit the Bioplatforms Data Portal or contact us.

Microbial genomics is a very powerful tool, however, it is also highly complex and difficult to understand. We have developed resources to provide clear explanations of the various aspects and jargon used in microbial genomics, for non-specialists.


Information about microbes can be used for a range of activities from improving the quality of crops, checking that it is safe for people to go for a swim or assisting in the restoration of degraded environments. We present a few examples below for which microbial genomics data have been used, either data generated by the Australian Microbiome initiative or from external activities of our consortium members.

Showcase webinar

Below are short videos presenting the why and how we are looking at microbes. We will add further videos over time.

IMOS – What is in a mouthful of Seawater?

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations – Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity